This course is aimed at helping beginners in gaining basic yet minimally required proficiency with Git and Linux CLI.
The course is based on the materials from kottans/frontend course and is intended to complement any courses for beginners.
Make sure you have git installed on your machine.
Below is brief description of modules. You may skip any of the modules whenever you feel confident with your skills a module offers to master (as described in each module’s Targets section).
However, check the module contents and extra materials offered therein before you decide to skip. You still may find something new or useful.
init, clone, add, commit, checkout, branch, merge, push, pull, fetch
)You may resort to subtitles/closed captions and to auto-translated subtitles in particular if you feel it would help you to master the video course better.  Employ Google Translate for textual materials.
The video below offers an intro to the course (RUS).
If you find any topic not sufficiently disclosed just let us know by adding an issue with a proposal.
Here we go! Start with Linux CLI