C# course
Lecture 5.1
Object-oriented programming in C# part 2
OOP principles
- Coupling/Cohesion
- Abstration
- S.O.L.I.D.
"Abstraction - is the process of separating ideas from specific instances of those ideas" (Wikipedia)
Key ideas of abstraction:
- ignore irrelevant features, properties and methods
- emphasizing on really important features
- keep only those details about an object that are relevant to the current perspective
Abstraction goals
- simplify complex representation and expose only important properties of an object
- build simplified model of an object
- hide unimportant properties of an object
Abstraction in C#
Abstraction in C# might be achieved in several ways:
- with Interfaces
- with abstract classes
- with inheritance
Coupling and Cohesion
Coupling and Cohesion are characteristic of code. How tightly code is written.
is a measure of interdependence between software modules
is degree to which the elements of a module belong together
Coupling is usually contrasted with cohesion e.g. low coupling and high cohesion
Cohesion describes how closely all the methods in a class support a central purpose of the class
Good module should have high (or strong) cohesion
Cohesion is high (or strong) if:
- methods carry out a small number of related activities
- classes aimed for single purpose
- advantages of high cohesion:
- reduced module complexity
- increased system maintainability
- increased module reusability
High cohesion demo
Low cohesion demo
Coupling describes how tightly a classes or modules are related to other classes or modules
Good class or method should have low (loose) coupling:
- modules should have a very little dependency on other modules
- a module must be easily re-used by other modules (avoid direct dependencies among modules)
Loose coupling demo
Tight cohesion demo
S.O.L.I.D. - is an abbreviation of 5 principles of object oriented design
- S - Single responsibility principle
- O - Openness principle
- L - Liskov substitution principle
- I - Interface segregation principle
- D - Dependency inversion principle